Blog Dump {First of Many}

So I’ve got a little, yet a lot to say…

First few things have to do with recent Facebook posts. A friend of ours recently began using public transportation (due to a parking issue near his work). Most of the comments were nice and light. BUT one, now that struck a chord. The comment was:

This is why I drive my Volvo (with seat warmers) all the way to the Capitol. As a plus, I get to avoid the riffraff on the CDTA (you excluded of course!)

Really? Riffraff? Plenty of people take the bus everyday for various reasons. Heck I’ve taken the bus! It is not my favorite mod of transport, but not because of those riding the bus. But usually because of how long it takes to get anywhere on the bus! Also these “riffraff” how does this guy know? I mean he drives a Volvo! Sure he might have been joking…but still.

Maybe I’m being harsh, but I don’t think so. People ride the bus because it is cheaper than a car, their car broke down, whatever. Who cares why they take the bus, but seriously let’s not call them riffraff. They’re people who happen to ride the bus to get where they’re going. Sheesh! Also when someone says riffraff THIS is all I can think of:

Richard O'Brien was amazing (I thought). (found via -

Richard O’Brien was amazing (I thought). (found via –

So yeah I would find it pretty cool to have this “riffraff” on the bus! Think of how much faster my ride would be AND musical!

Facebook topic number two. Calling a gluten allergy
“the latest mass hysteria”. Seriously? So Celiac Disease is all in my head and I’m doing this to be cool? Yeah trust me it is not cool when I have gluten. Don’t get me wrong I can sneak in some now and again AND I’ve been known to cheat.

But I’ve also been known to pay the price for doing so. Trust me kids it sucks! So it really works my last note when people think it’s a fad diet or hysteria. Sigh…

Let’s see what else is new and exciting in the world of me…I’m getting some new equipment at work. Which makes me happy…new laptop and tablet thingy. Hopefully Monday. I mean most of the stuff is there in the office, but we’re waiting for our tech guy to come over and make it pretty for us. Exciting I know!

Writing? Working on my novel? Yeah that hasn’t gone anywhere fast since Friday. I blame feeling sick, yeah that’s it. But maybe I also really dislike the story. So I’m taking some advice from Neil Gaiman…he basically said once (at least I think it was him) “Just write”. I don’t think he really cared what you wrote, just that you did it. So I’m going to play a little with some of the other 100+ story ideas dancing around in my head and see what tumbles out of it. Who kno maybe someday you’ll all say you knew me when! Wouldn’t that be something?

Also I still feel like death. I have a sinus infection. Urgent care doc told me to try mucinex. Wow that was a co-pay well spent. NOT!